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Infrared heater and solar systems: what to look out for when installing? I.

The number of households installing electric heating systems has been increasing in recent years. No wonder, as they are becoming more efficient and economical to run. Infrared heaters are one of the most modern heating solutions available, perfect for those who want to minimise heating costs. And when connected to a solar system, it can be reduced to zero

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There will be winter next year too, it's worth upgrading!

Although we still need to turn the heating on a little in the evenings, the main heating season is over! We can breathe a sigh of relief, we have survived this one too, thankfully the weather has been kind and it hasn't been such a harsh season. But it is worth thinking ahead and being prepared for next winter!

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Have a premium heating system for you too!

There probably aren't many people in the country who haven't thought about energy prices and considered the pros and cons of different heating systems. Perhaps we are now becoming a little more open to heating systems based on new technology. One example is the infrared heater, which is a premium heating system in terms of both appearance and efficiency.

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How resistant are the infrared heaters?

Many people ask how durable and resistant the infrared heaters are. We are often afraid of new technologies, but this heating solution outperforms conventional heating systems in both efficiency and lifetime!

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Removal and prevention of mould in the home

Unfortunately, with the cooler weather, this stubborn enemy appears in mould-prone properties and is very difficult to fight. But what do we do if we are struggling with it? Firstly, remove the mould and then prevent it from re-emerging. How? We'll show you!

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