How can infrared heating help people with allergies?

For allergy sufferers, creating a comfortable and healthy home environment is key. Dust mites are a common cause of allergies. Pollen and other allergens that can be easily spread by conventional heating systems, such as radiators or even air conditioning. However, infrared panel heating is an alternative solution that can bring significant relief and relief to allergy sufferers.

The principle of infrared panel heating is based on infrared radiation. This new technological solution is not based on heating the air. The infrared rays heat objects, people and wall surfaces in the room directly, with a number of positive consequences.

When conventional heating systems heat the air, it rises upwards, carrying dust and other pollen with it. Clean as efficiently as we can, dust is everywhere, so this problem is a daily problem even in the cleanest of homes. If you use a refrigerant-heated air conditioner to heat your home, this situation is exacerbated, as it blows the air out of the unit by default, stirring up irritants to your lungs and mucous membranes. With the infrared panel, this problem can be completely eliminated, as it does not cause any airflow in the home.

Another problem with conventional and other alternative heating systems is that they dry the air, which can also be irritating for people with sensitive allergies, asthma and other respiratory conditions. Infrared heated surfaces will help to keep the air in the room from drying out, which helps to maintain a more balanced humidity level.

From infrared heater so as well as being extremely cost-effective and environmentally friendly, it is one of the best choices for people with allergies and asthma. By reducing the concentration of airborne particulate matter and maintaining air humidity, it helps to keep us healthy and can prevent the onset or worsening of unpleasant symptoms.

However, it is important to note that the infrared panel is not a panacea, and although it is a healthier solution compared to other heating systems, it is not expected to make allergy symptoms disappear completely. It is also important to include regular cleaning and proper ventilation in your daily routine to minimise irritation in your living space and to avoid aggravating the condition you already have.

The infrapanel will make the air in your home cleaner and healthier, give you a more restful, deeper sleep and even reduce allergy symptoms.

For more information, browse the our website, or feel free to contact us if you have any questions contact us at. Our products can be on our webshop via, either email you can also order. You can even order in installation we can help you!

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