Which radiant heater should I buy for the terrace?
Now summer is truly over, and we will have to do without the warmth of the sun for six months. If we still want to stay outside in the autumn and winter months
Now summer is truly over, and we will have to do without the warmth of the sun for six months. If we still want to stay outside in the autumn and winter months
This is a topic that is on everyone's mind, and for good reason. The soaring energy prices are forcing us to think about how to get through the heating season. It's worth considering
Many people have been putting off upgrading their heating for years, and then life forces them to do it. What if you're faced with a fait accompli, and fast,
Very often, for whatever reason, we are looking for a heating solution to complement our existing heating system. The good news is that the infrapanel is both
The infrapanel can be made of different materials. In addition to infra-glass, we also offer aluminium and glass infra-panels, and we would like to provide you with some useful information about the latter. So why
It's very difficult to start upgrading the heating system because we're afraid it will cost a fortune, and we'll have to renovate the whole flat. Is this the truth, or
Recession cuts or not, the fact is that energy prices are constantly rising. The subsidy won't last forever, but it's certainly more and more expensive every year.
When we think about choosing our heating system, we need to consider that it is a long-term investment. That's why it's a good idea to find out what the expected return on investment is for the most
Two types of infrapanels are distinguished according to the way they are installed: wall-mounted and ceiling-mounted. The infrared panels we offer are suitable for both types of mounting. The wall panels can be used for both types of installation.
Uniform heat distribution is important for both thermal comfort and economy. We would like to go around this topic and prove that the infrapanel is also the