Infrapanel in summer

Infrared heater: why use it in the home in the summer?

Infrared heaters are becoming increasingly popular for heating homes, especially in the cold months. However, many people don't realise that these modern technological devices can also be useful in the summer. In this article, we will look at why you should use infrared heaters in summer and how they can contribute to the comfort and energy efficiency of your home.

Additional heating on cooler summer days

Although summer typically brings warm weather, it is not uncommon to have cooler days, especially in the mornings or evenings. Infrared panels provide a quick and effective solution to these situations. They provide instant warmth without the need to heat up the whole home, ensuring a comfortable feeling without wasting energy.

Energy efficiency and cost savings

Infrared heaters heat people and objects directly instead of heating the air. This can result in significant energy savings as there is no need to heat the air in the whole room. In summer, when air conditioners are running, you can supplement cooling with the infra-panel on cooler days, which can reduce the frequency of air conditioning use, saving energy and money.

Health benefits

The radiant heat from infrared heaters is similar to sunlight, which has many health benefits. This type of heat penetrates deeper into the skin, improving circulation and relieving muscle pain. These benefits can also be beneficial in summer, especially for people with active lifestyles who often play sports or do physical work.

Dehumidification and mould removal

During the hot summer months, humidity is often high, which is conducive to mould growth. Infrared heaters can help keep rooms dry by reducing humidity and helping to dry out walls, furniture and other surfaces. This can be particularly useful in bathrooms and kitchens where high humidity is common.

A flexible and aesthetic solution

Infrared heaters are available in different shapes and sizes, so they can be easily integrated into any interior design style. They can also be used as a decorative element in summer, for example as a mirror in the bathroom or as part of an elegant wall picture in the living room. These panels are discreet and space-saving, so they won't clutter up your summer interior.

Quick installation and easy maintenance

The installation of infrared heaters is quick and easy, allowing you to use them at any time, even during the summer months. Maintenance is minimal as there are no moving parts to break down. In contrast, conventional heating systems often require regular maintenance and inspection.

Local temperature control

Infrared heaters allow room-by-room temperature control, which is particularly useful in summer when you don't want to heat the whole house, but just a specific room, such as a cool basement or a frequently used bathroom. This avoids unnecessary energy consumption and ensures maximum comfort.

The versatility and energy efficiency of infrared panels make them an excellent choice for all seasons, including summer. Supplementary heating, dehumidification, health benefits and local temperature control all contribute to making the use of infrared panels a practical and economical solution. And the aesthetic design of modern infrared panels allows them to be a stylish addition to any home, while ensuring comfort and well-being all year round.

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