Home renovation grant

Did you know that you can also apply for state aid for heating modernisation?
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DID YOU KNOW? As of 1 January 2021, you can apply for a 50% non-refundable state subsidy, which you can also use to install an infra-panel heating system. The contribution of up to HUF 3 million also covers the cost of materials and works. The option is open to spouses, partners or single parents with at least 1 child, from 12 weeks of gestation to 25 years of age. For more details, browse our STUDY section.

Home renovation grant

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Everything you need to know about home renovation grants.
Find the answers to the questions you have!

The Home Renovation Allowance - also known as the Home Renovation Allowance - is a non-repayable state subsidy that can be claimed for renovation or modernisation work on the property you live in. Importantly, it is an ex-post grant, i.e. payments are made in arrears on the basis of invoices submitted for the work carried out - cost of materials, labour.

The aid is granted to expecting or raising at least one child - spouses or life partners who are resident in the same country can apply jointly as joint claimants. This means that single people can also apply for the home renovation allowance, without the need to be married. (Unlike, for example, the Baby Allowance, which is only available to married couples.)

It counts as a child:

  • The claimant's unborn child after the 12th week of pregnancy and his/her dependent child by blood or adoption who has not yet reached the age of 25.
  • The claimant's child over the age of 25 if the child is disabled.
  • A relative of the claimant who is a minor, if the claimant is the appointed guardian due to the death of the child's parents.
  • The home renovation grant is available for the following construction activities:
    • Water, sewerage, electricity and gas utilities can be introduced into the property, and the internal network of these can be built or replaced.
    • A bathroom or toilet may be installed in a dwelling that does not have one.
    • Heating system can be designed, upgraded or replacedincluding the use of renewable energy sources.
    • Insulation of the building, including plinth insulation, thermal, acoustic and waterproofing works can be carried out.
    • External windows and doors can be replaced, but the installation or replacement of roller blinds, shades, shutters, trellises, insect nets, security grilles is also eligible.
    • Replacement or renovation of sills, thresholds can also be carried out.
    • Even the entire roof can be replaced, renovated or insulated.
    • Construction and upgrading of a flue gas drainage system.
    • Installation and replacement of air conditioning.
    • The money can also be used to install or replace solar panels, solar photovoltaic systems.
    • The interior can also be renovated: replacing, renovating, painting, wallpapering.
    • A gallery can be built with public money.
    • Interior staircase design, replacement.
    • Installation or replacement of sanitary ware.
    • Design and replacement of electrical switches and sockets.
    • Installation, replacement or renovation of interior windows, interior sills, thresholds.
    • The renovation of a building or non-residential premises (in particular: summer kitchen, laundry room, storage room) located on the same parcel as the dwelling may also be carried out.
    • A fence can be built.
      Construction of a vehicle storage or open car park.
    • Construction of terrace, loggia, balcony, canopy.
    • Pavement construction and replacement.
    • A conservatory can also be created.
    • If the claimant or his/her child is a person with reduced mobility, the accessibility works specified in Article 9(10) of Government Decree 12/2001 (31.I.) may also be financed retroactively.
    • The foundation of the existing building can be reinforced.
    • Installation or replacement of built-in furniture or kitchen appliances.

The claimant - or one of the partners in the case of married couples or life partners - must have at least 1 year of continuous social security entitlement. The 1-year period of entitlement counts:

  • a legal relationship according to § 6 of the Tbj Act - a public employment relationship (public work) is not accepted for the last 180 days;
  • full-time studies at a higher education institution;
  • employment in addition to a pension;
  • the foreign social security status and
  • the period of graduate GYED.

However, it is important to note that the applicant must be insured under Article 6 of the Social Insurance Act (Tbj) - public employment is not sufficient - and employment while receiving a pension is also acceptable.

In other words, it is suitable if you have worked abroad but already have Hungarian social security status. Moreover, in the case of multiple claimants, it is also acceptable if one of the claimants is currently working abroad, but in this case the other claimant must fulfil the requirement of having a social security status.

Among others, they are considered insured persons under § 6 of the Social Insurance Act:

  • Those who are employed.
  • Members of the cooperative who are personally involved in the activities of the cooperative (in the framework of an employment relationship, a contractor's relationship or a relationship of commission).
  • Persons receiving job-seeker's allowance (unemployment benefit).
  • Sole proprietors and partners.
    Persons working under a contract of employment (monthly remuneration must be 30% of the minimum wage).
  • Persons in ecclesiastical service.
  • Smallholder farmers.
  • Full-time small traders.
  • Persons employed as public project evaluators (monthly remuneration must be 30% of the minimum wage).
  • The wife of the President of the Republic.
  • Persons working abroad who are considered Hungarian insured persons under Community regulations or agreements between two countries.

No aid may be claimed for a previously assisted dwelling unless the previous claimant has sold all of his/her property at the time of claiming. In this case, the new owner - if he/she is not a relative of the previous owner - can reapply for the home renovation grant for the dwelling in question.

The claimant and his/her minor child - or, in the case of a joint claim, the claimants together or their minor children - must jointly own at least 50% of the housing covered by the subsidy. This means that up to 50% can be owned by other persons.

People living in properties with several flats in shared ownership are not excluded, but the applicant's occupancy agreement or court judgement for the part of the property covered by the aid will also be examined

  • The invoices must be in the name of the claimant or, in the case of joint claimants, one of them.
  • The invoice must be issued and paid on or after 1 January 2021.
  • The invoices must include the cost of materials for the construction activities and the design, construction and installation work related to the renovation under the contract.
  • For invoices paid by bank transfer, the payment must be supported by documentary evidence.
  • The home renovation grant can be claimed within 60 days of the completion of construction work on the dwelling and payment of the invoices. In the case of multiple invoices, the last payment date will be used to calculate the claim deadline.

A contract may only be concluded with a contractor that is registered at the time of the conclusion of the contract in the register of operating taxpayers kept by the State Tax Authority.

What has already been settled with a csok subsidy can no longer be taken into account for the housing renovation subsidy!

Invoices that have already been settled by the claimant in connection with the family home creation allowance for the dwelling concerned by the renovation are not acceptable

  • for the purchase and modernisation of a second-hand dwelling, or for the modernisation and extension of a dwelling;
  • or for the modernisation, renovation or extension of an existing dwelling.

The aid can be applied for until 31 December 2022 at the latest, by which date the necessary documents must be submitted or posted. The application may be submitted once only, but the maximum period of 30 days for submitting a complete application does not count towards the deadline.

Applications for aid will be assessed by the Treasury (MÁK) within 30 days of the date of receipt, in the order in which they are received. The MÁK will pay the aid into the applicant's domestic payment account within 5 days of the issue of the grant award certificate.

The Hungarian State Treasury will subsequently transfer HUF 50% of the value of the invoices issued and paid for the renovation and modernisation works, up to HUF 3 million, to the bank account of the applicant. It is important to note, however, that the amount of the grant may include the cost of materials or contractor's fees in the proportion of 50-50%. According to Bankmonitor's experts, this means that two things are needed to fully benefit from the aid.

  1. The cost of materials and the invoiced amount of the work must not be less than HUF 1.5 million each.
  2. The total value of the cost of the materials and the invoiced work exceeds HUF 6 million.

It is precisely for the above reasons that the aid cannot be used, for example, only for the cost of materials, for example because the work would be carried out by the family itself, since in this case the aid amount would not include the two items in the ratio 50-50%

  • You must provide proof that the claimant lives in the same household as the child by means of an address card.
  • In the case of adopted children, you will also need a final authorisation decision from the guardianship authorities.
  • In the case of a foetus aged 12 weeks or more of pregnancy, the relevant part of the pregnancy care book or a certificate issued by the attending doctor stating the fact of pregnancy and the duration of its existence must be submitted. In addition, the applicant must declare that he/she will submit to the Treasury the birth certificate or the certificate of stillbirth or death of the foetus within 60 days of the live birth. In the latter unfortunate cases, the aid claimed will be transferred or the aid already paid will not be recovered.

It is available for residential buildings on property registered in the land register as a dwelling or dwelling-house as its main use, and for farms or estate centres registered as legal buildings. This means that even if you live in a property registered as a holiday home, you cannot claim the aid.

The claimant, or both parties in the case of a joint application, and all minor children taken into account for eligibility must have been resident in the accommodation for at least one year. This is not a condition if the claimant has purchased the property in question less than 1 year ago and if less than 1 year has elapsed since the birth of the child.

A single parent is entitled to full state support of up to HUF 3 million if all their children live in the same household. If both parents have children living with them, they are entitled to 50-50% of the allowance each. In the latter case, one of the parents can claim the maximum amount if the other parent waives the right to claim the allowance on his/her own behalf by means of a declaration in a private document with full probative value.

The claimant - or both parties in the case of a joint claim - has no public debts registered with the tax authorities.

  • A contract (or contracts) will be required, signed on or after 1 January 2021, detailing the design, construction and installation works and their fees for the renovation. If the necessary materials are also provided by the contractor to the claimant, then the cost of materials and the contractor's fee should be included separately in the contract.
  • In the case of electronic administration, on the electronic platform operated by the Treasury.
  • By postal letter.
  • In person at a government office.

For electronic filing, the date of filing is the date of submission, for postal filing the date of posting, and for filing at a government office the date of receipt.

The MÁK may carry out an on-the-spot check to verify the legality of the use of the aid no later than 180 days after the aid is paid. If it is found that the applicant has made unauthorised use of the aid, he will be required to repay the aid, with interest.

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